Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Wrightsville Beach, NC

Just a quick note as internet connection is sketchy.  Decided to head south bound for Charleston where Jeff will meet us for the hop to the Bahamas.  Stayed last night at Mile Hammock Bay which is operated by the US Marines of Camp Lejeune.  As we anchored, two Ospreys were practicing maneuvers.  Ospreys are the hybrid plane/helicopter.  I waved as they passed and one dipped his wing hello.  Fortunately they ceased their practice landings soon after because they were LOUD.

Ospreys practicing maneuvers over the anchorage

Had a smooth motor to Wrightsville Beach today.  We'd stopped here on the way up, so it's familiar -- a low-key beach town.  In the mid-60s and partly sunny, so nice.  Continuing south tomorrow.  The only challenge is timing those darn 65-foot bridges with low tides.  The downside of low tide means the possibility of running aground in these shallow waters, nicknamed "The Ditch."  We carefully watch the depth sounder.  We draw 5 feet and saw 5.5 this morning, but so far, so good.  We'd like to do a run or two in the ocean, but the winds are from the southwest for the next few days, and we don't feel like waiting it out as we don't want to get stuck somewhere and have to wait out storms.  Best to get to Charleston and wait for the weather window to go to Marsh Harbor. 

Setting crab pots in the river

We miss our family so much.  Love to you all and Happy Holidays!

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