Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Charleston, SC

Wayward Wind anchored in Charleston Harbor
Just a short one as I forgot to bring the electric cord to plug into the outlet here at the Charleston Tea Room, a cozy sunny spot downtown.  The rest of the trip went well.  Coincidentally Jeff, who is delivering a boat from Annapolis to Fort Lauderdale, jumped into Charleston to avoid a storm the day before yesterday just as we arrived.  Earlier in the day, he was 20 miles out in the Atlantic just north of Charleston when he said he heard my voice on the VHF radio as we motored down the waterway.  Funny!  After the storm calmed down, we dinghied over to his boat at the Charleston City Marina and, along with his crew member Mike, went to dinner last night at The Variety Store right next to the Marina.  I had local shrimp, sausage and grits.  I think there was a pound of butter in the grits.  YUM! 

The storm passed with no problems. It's a strange anchorage with some derelict boats and even a few sunken with just masts sticking out of the water. Doesn't give one a lot of confidence in the holding with the strong current that flips the boat 180 degrees every six or so hours, let alone with the 25-35 knot winds that blew through.

Turns out the white boat wasn't actually dragging anchor, but was somehow tied to the pinkish boat and was flipping with the current when I videoed it.  Anyway the video gives you a sense of the storm.  Wasn't actually a gale here, but outside the harbor, yes.

Project boat for sale with its own special mooring
The storm cleared up and now it is beautiful, so we're out and about walking through town.  Over the next few day, we'll take care of the rest of the boat maintenance .  After Jeff delivers the boat to Ft. Lauderdale, he'll fly back to Annapolis for a couple of days, then fly to Charleston to meet us.  We'll take care of the last of the boat maintenance, then take off for the Bahamas when the weather is right.  It finally seems as though it really might happen.

Hope everyone had a great Christmas.  Miss you all. 

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