Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Not much new

Moonrise over Spa Creek

Sorry about the sparse posts.  We're just plugging along with our myriad projects and began some bulk shopping for provisions.  Our Texan friends, Don and Jan, have so sweetly offered to drive us around when they have errands to do.  We usually have lunch together at the Old Country Buffet, Don's fave. 

Misty morning on Spa Creek
Fall has brought nighttime temps in the mid-40s, brisk winds -- BRRR! -- and drizzle for the past few days.  The forecast looks sunny and in the high-60s for the next several days, which will be good for the sailboat show that begins on Thursday.

The other night we went into town to The Federal House (built 1830 now a bar/restaurant) to watch the Dallas Cowboys play the Washington Redskins with Stan, Jeff,  Don and Jan.  We had a great time sharing appetizers and beer and complaining about the temper tantrums of the Dallas quarterback, Tony Roma.  Also Jeff would give a running "sound track" of what the players were "really" saying.  "One...two...four...no, NO!  It's one...two...three!"  Kept me in stitches!  Although we could hear that there was another Cowboy fan somewhere in the place, Don and Jan subdued their enthusiasm for their home team because we were most certainly surrounded by Washington fans.  It was here that I learned from Janis that (though she and Don do not) many in Texas consider the Dallas Cowboys to be "God's team."  As Jan would say -- I tell you what, I am learnin' so much.

The night before last, Stan suggested we have a taste test between two winter beverages -- Irish coffee and hot buttered rum.  So Don, Jan and Stan braved the chilly nighttime wind and dinghied over for hot refreshments.  Heating up the steamy drinks and baked brie made for a warm and cozy time on Wayward Wind.  Stan's mom was Irish and loved Irish coffee made with hazelnut Creamora, so that's what we had, and this won the contest hands down over the hot buttered rum.  We actually are not as toasted as we look in the photo below; however we were feeling quite merry.  Now this is my kind of contest!

Don, Jan, Dave, Linda livin' it up on Wayward Wind...
and Stan, too!

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