Saturday, September 17, 2011

From Annapolis to Napa, with love...

Everybody raise a glass to my lovely mom, Betty Suhr, who celebrated her 90th birthday this week.  Happy Birthday, Mom! 

Dave and I, still in Annapolis, have decided to forego the trip north because it's just getting too late, and, now, cold.  Three days ago before a warm sunrise, I donned my shorts and tank top and rowed up to Truxton Park, took a brisk walk, and rowed back to Wayward Wind.  By mid-day, a cold front from Canada rolled in and with it, a crisp coolness.  Fall arrived on Wednesday afternoon. 

The windlass project is just about finshed.  And, as are all things Italian, it's beautiful and sleek.  And it's so much quieter than the previous windlass.  And no more pounding to get it going.  We're happy.

We will finish other projects, such as repacking the rudder shaft, fixing the leaking aft cabin hatch and two starboard ports, servicing the outboard motor, cleaning the bottom of the boat and other minor things.  And, oh joy, one of the heads has now decided to act up.  We will stay on for the Annapolis Sail Boat show which is the second weekend in October.  We will try to get out for a few days' sail in the bay or at least some day sails. 

We had a little surprise the other day.  In preparing for friends coming over for happy hour, I removed the wheel to make more room in the cockpit.  The next day when we tried to remount the wheel onto the helm stand, it wouldn't slide on, as it should.  We noticed that the piece of metal, the key, that keeps the wheel from spinning around freely on the shaft had a huge crack.  Don came by and when we told him, he thought we were mistaken.  He said that he's dealt with keys on his farm equipment that last forever even though the machinery bounces around over the fields.  Sure enough, when we tapped the key, it broke off completely.  Don was really shocked. He helped us replace it with a new piece of metal.  We are thankful that we discovered it here rather than out at sea.  That would really be a surprise.

Dave has been under the weather for three days - nothing serious - but seems to have a low-grade bug with malaise.  I'm fighting something off.  Don's wife, Janis, has been very ill with a fever and sore throat.  Must be the change in weather. 

Hope everyone is enjoying the last days of summer.  I know I am.  Now I get to learn about marine heads!  ; )

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