Saturday, October 29, 2011

Are We in the Bahamas Yet?

Which way to the Bahamas?

The Bahamas, this ain't.  Yesterday Dave and I took Wayward Wind for a quick spin to try out the steering system after Jeff redid the rudder seal.  All is good.  Also filled up on diesel and water.  As you can see from Dave's garb, it was chilly.  This morning we awoke to a crisp 37 degrees inside the boat.  We've got the generator and heater going but won't keep those on all day so are dressing in multiple layers.  Jeff says, just keep putting on clothes until you're warm.  Jan and Don called this morning from Florida where it is a lovely 80 degrees.  I told Jan I feel like the Pillsbury Dough Boy wearing all of these clothes, but it works.  Snow is predicted today just to the west of us.  Right now it's blowing about 20 knots here in Spa Creek on a cold rainy day. 

 Trees are turning colors

Still have the hatch, which arrived yesterday, and the portholes to repair/install which will wait for dry, warmer weather early next week.  Ordered a grounding system for the SSB radio to improve reception and transmission.  The SSB will be our primary source for weather reports when we are out of the US.  Right now we use the short range VHF radio to listen to NOAA broadcasts.  Also ordered a new battery monitor as our old one is not working properly and we've learned that it will help us in the long run with managing our electrical use.  When will we leave Annapolis?  Soon, very soon.

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