Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sea Trial

On Friday, we met owner Larry, his broker Jeff, and surveyor Jim at 8:00am at the marina where Larry keeps the boat.  It was gray and cold, but fortunately we'd bought foul weather gear the day before.  Jim began his inspection as we motored to Tiger Point Marina near Fernandina Beach.  The tide was coming in, so docking at Tiger Point was tricky, but Larry slid it right in. The boat was hauled out and Jim tapped the entire hull with his hammer but did not detect any hull problems.  The rain came down as we watched him finish the exterior inspection.

The boat was returned to the water, and we motored out of the creek and into the river where we soon hoisted the sails.  It was then that Dave and I got to take the helm for the first time.  Even though we were shivering, we loved it.  At one point I noticed something off the starboard side.  A moment later, three dolphins arched out of the water.  Then again and again.  The broker, Jeff, said, "That's a good omen."  We agreed.
At 2:00, Jim had finished inspecting every system of the boat.  We warmed up with oyster stew in the marina restaurant where Jim gave us a summary of his findings.  Aside from a few minor findings, he said she was in great condition.  Yea!  Now it feels like this deal is really going to happen.  Guess those dolphins knew.

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