Monday, January 31, 2011

Struck a Deal!

Our offer was accepted on a Freedom 45 sailboat!  On Friday we plan to have the survey (inspection) and sea trial (test sail).  Hopefully that will go smoothly and without much more need for negotiation.  Will post photos of the boat once the deal is closed.

Here in St. Augustine, we've rented a motel room for a week.  It's good to be in one spot for a change.  I'm happy because we're close to the old city, so I get up early and go for a morning walk each day.  So far, everyday I've found a new area to explore.  Some of the highlights include the Spanish influence throughout the city, the area where the first Greek settlers lived, the Bridge of Lions spanning the beautiful river, the Freedom Trail where many events of the Civil rights movement took place, the unassuming Baptist Church where Martin Luther King, Jr. addressed the congregation, and the oldest wooden schoolhouse in America.

We've also enjoyed some good Southern cooking including crab burgers and grits.

And a trip to St. Augustine would not be complete without a visit to the Alligator Farm!  I had to drag Dave to this tourist trap, but guess who bought special nibbles and fed the gators!  Below is a liitle video of a couple of gators with a sound track of visiting class of school kids.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Linda and Dave. Enjoyed the Alligator Farm movie. I showed it to Mom as I am in Napa for a few days. She enjoyed hearing about your boat. Mom says keep the pictures coming and your comments.

    David A.
