Sunday, February 20, 2011

First Sail!

Wow!  We did it!  We sailed Wayward Wind today by ourselves.  It wasn't a long trip, but as you can, see, we were indeed sailing.  The not-so-good news is that as we were docking in a very strong current and bluster, we sort of crashed into the dock pier, bow first, then scootched along a smaller boat, when fortunately some neighbors jumped over to grab lines, which I'd so carefully attached to the opposite side.  Hearts pounding.  We were told that docking in Fernandina with its strong tides is often just controlled crashing.  Anyway, no harm done, other than to our pride.  All in all, we spent an hour, getting the sail cover off and the sail hoisted, an hour for the sail, and two hours to dock and get the dang sail cover back on.  Hopefully soon we'll spend more time on the sailing than on the covering.  As we were finishing up, a dolphin calmly swam up the creek then back again putting everything into its proper perspective. 

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