Saturday, January 8, 2011


We're now in Amarillo, Texas.  Had a wonderful visit with my brother Dave and his wife Rhonda in Reno.  It was so good to catch up, share stories, and just be together.  Then on to Las Vegas, which met my every expectation.  I'm just not a Vegas gal, I guess.  The low point for me was driving down the strip behind a trailer with an image of what I'd classify as soft porn, larger than life, three scantily clad women in compromising positions, right there for young and old to see.  So much for not objectifying women. 

On to better visions - the Grand Canyon.  My first time.  So beautiful with snow lacing layers of red rock.  

We turned on the radio and heard, "She thinks my tractor's sexyyyyy" and we knew we were not in Sonoma County anymore.  We've been talking about how different it is in the back country of Arizona and New Mexico.  The land is starkly beautiful and the homes are really basic.  What would it be like to live here?  The colors are different here.  When the sun sets, the grass is a surreal yellow with green tinge. 

Rolled into Texas after dark, so now we'll see what Texas and Oklahoma are like.  Maybe we'll see an armadillo. 

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