Monday, June 3, 2013

Turks and Caicos

Turks and Caicos view

On the morning of May 25, we left Ocean World Marina in Puerto Plata for an overnight sail to South Side Marina in the Turks and Caicos.  We left with Rod and Evelyne on Manatee and were joined a bit later by Marie Ann and Frederic on Madukera.  I realize that I have not introduced Marie Ann and Frederic.  They are French and are residents of the French Department of Guadalupe where they have made their home for nearly 30 years and raised their four children.  Rod and Evelyne met them earlier in their trip and the four spent time traveling together in the Caribbean.  This was especially nice for Evelyne who is also French and for Rod who is American but fluent in French.  Marie Ann is a retired English teacher, so we immediately had a connection.  It would seem that French students and American students are similar in many ways.  Frederic is a math/computer whiz who, many years ago, developed a computerized system for doing inventory for a major chain store in France.  He was asked if he would like to do the same thing in the Caribbean, so off they went, first to Martinique for a year, and then to Guadalupe where they have lived ever since.  Marie Ann is fluent in English and Frederic is a beginner but is fearless when it comes to speaking so he is making huge strides.  (Darn, I just can't get away from making those teacher-ly comments.)  It is a pleasure to know them.

With our disabled main sail, we were able to tie in a third reef, which means that we may only hoist the sail about half way.  We were able to sail a bit but mostly had to motor-sail to keep up with Manatee.  We wanted to arrive at South Side Marina by 1100 to get into the channel on the high tide with our five-foot drafts.  Madukera is a beautiful Beneteau Oceanis 41 with a nice, large main sail, so they were able to sail without motor the entire way.  They needed to anchor outside the channel to wait for the second high tide to accommodate their six-foot draft which wasn't until 10:00 that night.  They had ridden through the channel in the afternoon so were familiar with it, but still it is never fun to come into a channel in the dark.  So many lights on shore can be confusing.  But they came right in without a problem and we were all there to catch their lines at the dock. 

Channel entrance to South Side Marina.  Notice the dark area that is shallow coral. 
Bob Pratt, the marina owner, is a really helpful guy and built this marina about five years ago.  It is small and friendly.  While here, we met a couple, Wayne and Diane, on Long Legged Lady, a trawler.  Bob has built a little outdoor restaurant up on the hill by his house that has a beautiful view of the harbor and sea.  He is searching for the right person to take on the restaurant -- Any takers?  As it was just we four couples, we had two barbeques and a few happy hours there.  The first barbeque was with the big-eye (we think) tuna  that Dave caught on the way.  It was a good three feet long and fat!  He had a tough time getting it in the boat, but he did.  It was a beautiful fish and tasted yummy!  Everyone contributed an appetizer, side dish or dessert, and it was a veritable feast!

Dave with his catch.  Notice that Dave is tethered
to the blue jackline that runs along the deck as it was pretty bouncy

Another view of the fish.  Anyone care to verify that this is a big-eye tuna?

Wayward Wind at the dock with Madukera on the right and Manatee on the left.
The other night we all decided to go out to eat at the Tiki Hut restaurant because Wednesday was barbequed rib night.  We teased Frederic because, like a good Frenchman, he insisted on eating his ribs with a fork and knife.  Eventually he succumbed to peer pressure and picked up his ribs in all their gooey glory and ate them with his fingers.  He did not appear to be embracing the new strategy, though he did manage to finish his ribs.  The next day, he said, "My hands are still sticky."

Between Diane in red shirt and her husband, Wayne, in blue shirt, sit Frederic and Marie Ann. 
Proof the Frederic ate ribs with his fingers.
We have had to wait several extra days here due to overly blustery weather and squalls out there.  We are nice and cozy inside the marina and have been doing, what else, boat maintenance.   Unfortunately last night we awoke to a rustling noise and discovered either a large mouse or small rat is on board.  (Can we please catch a break?)  Set a rat trap that I'd brought along then went to the store to buy more traps.  I hope we catch it tonight. 

Tomorrow morning we head out for Atwood Harbour on Acklins Island in the Bahamas.  It is another overnight trip.  We should arrive early the next day.  We'll rest that day and night, and then on Thursday morning, we plan on continuing to George Town on another overnight trip.  Plans, of course, are subject to change.

Thank you for reading the blog and I hope that everyone is well.

Hey, this reminds me of somone...

Caps for sale...

1 comment:

  1. Hello Linda and Dave! Great blog. Glad you are enjoying your journey. I am putting in pavers in my backyard. Can't get more landlubber than that. Ha ha.... :o)

    Stan & Cathy
