Thursday, December 6, 2012

Pidgeon Island, Guadalupe

The day before yesterday, we sailed from Iles des Saintes to the mainland of Guadalupe.  Actually, after the first hour we were in the lee of Guadalupe and the wind virtually died, so we had a boring motor sail the remaining four hours. 

South tip of Guadalupe

Yesterday morning, Dave went for a walk while I snorkeled in Jacques Cousteau National Park with Ann, Darrell, Bruce and Jan around the smaller of the Pidgeon Islands.  The rocky wall went down steeply and contained many crevices and coral around which many, many fish swam.  Saw a small green turtle, too.  Not shy at all and let me get within four feet or so.

Hello, Green Turtle!
Cool coral

Afterwards a diving boat with French divers rafted up to us.  A family was learning to dive and took turns going with the instructor.  The older son must have been at least 10 years old, old enough to dive.  The little one just snorkeled.

French divers
Last night we enjoyed a fabuous meal with our friends in celebration of Ann and Darrell's anniversary.  I chose a small lobster which our rubber-gloved waiter grabbed out of the tank for me.  Bruce and Jan chose a large lobster to share.  When the waiter grabbed that one, it put up a fight and splashed all over.  Quite a show.  We topped off the meal with tiramisu and an ice cream dish called Chocolate Mania accompanied by a demitasse of strong coffee. 

This morning we motor sailed in flukey winds two hours to Dehaies where we checked-out of Guadalupe.  We will leave at first light and do an overnight sail, about 28 hours, to Simpson Bay, St. Martin.  We have some strong winds coming in a few days so want to be in a protected harbour for the following week until things calm down again.  Looking forward to a good sail tomorrow.  Should have internet again after Saturday.

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