Wednesday, August 8, 2012

We're Fine

Ernesto turned out to be a non-event for us.  Some strong wind.  Some heavy rain.  That's it.  Better to be over-prepared.  And now we're ready for anything else that comes this way.  As I mentioned, most storms turn north well before Grenada.  It's interesting to see satellite images of disturbances coming off the coast of Africa and observe them over the days as they cruise west over the Atlantic toward the Caribbean.  It's one after the other.  Sort of like a bowling ball, you wonder (at least, I wonder) which way the thing will veer. 

After the preparation and storm, the past couple of days we've been working with Darrell on the boat.  Right now we're repairing stanchions and life lines and yesterday, the autopilot, which will need a technician.  Lots to learn and do.  Also I've been emailing Garmin about our chartplotter and trying various fixes all to no avail.  So will wrap it up today to send with Darrell and Ann who fly to Florida tomorrow who will mail it to Garmin.  Fortunately it's still under warranty. 

I'm going to come home for a short visit to see my family and to pick up boat parts.  Hopefully I'll be able to squeeze in a few friend visits, too.  Dates are TBD.

The big news around here is that the day before yesterday, Kirani James won the Grenada's first ever Olympic medal -- a gold -- in the 400 meter race.  The government declared yesterday a half holiday, so all businesses closed for the afternoon.  Great day for Grenada.

Wayward Wind on her way to Grenada (borrowed from Alibi's blog, thanks!)

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