Sunday, August 19, 2012


Cruiser getting into the swing of things
Several intrepid early risers boarded the van for J'Ouvert (jhoo-vay) at 4:30am on Monday bound for St. George's.  (Dave, considering them to be nuts, choose to stay behind in the peaceful realm of dreamland.)  The main road was crowded with Jab Jab (bands of "devils") from different parts of Grenada.  The Jab Jab, who traditionally covered themselves with molasses or tar, appear under the veil of early morning darkness to revel in the streets before the light of dawn.  Nowadays old motor oil or paints are used.  Needless to say, old clothes are the dress of the day. 

Early morning revelers

Jab Jab with horns

Another name for J'Ouvert is "Dirty Mas."  I think this implies two things:  one, the oil and paint and the other, the dancing.  A man will approach a woman from behind and the woman will start gyrating as the man slithers his hips against her.  It sounds nasty, but most men are not pushy about it and the woman has the choice to dance or not.  One guy came up from behind and, without touching me, asked me if I wanted to dance.  I told him thanks but I didn't know how.  He said OK and left with a smile.
Doing the dance, or "Winin" (wine-in)

Each Jab Jab band used either oil or a paint color to signify their town or region in Grenada.

Chartreuse Jab Jab
Silver Jab Jab

Plum Jab Jab

And oiled Jab Jab
Linda getting painted by a happy Jab Jab
In search of musical bands, we finally figured out that the "bands" were groups of people who banded together.  Often they were accompanied by a large flatbed truck with a DJ and a humongous set of speakers blaring rhythmic tunes.  I'll post a video clip that may or may not play.  If it doesn't, hopefully the still photos give a sense of the din. 


People do a shuffle walk to the beat that is called "chippin'."
Jab Jab band truck cruising by with LOUD music ablare

Lots and lots of people

Jab Jab in training
Back at the dock by 10:30am, Linda (on the way to the shower) and neighbor Wendy

And that was just the morning!  Stay tuned for our next installment where Dave joins Linda for the merry yet subdued Pageant Mas that afternoon.

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