Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leaving George Town

Just a quick note.  We are set to leave George Town tomorrow.  Two other boats will join our ranks along with Plane to Sea.  It's nice to have others to bounce off route planning and weather concerns.  We'll head to Conception Island tomorrow and Rum Cay on Friday where we'll wait out a bit of a blow on Saturday.  On Sunday, we'll check on the coming front and hopefully sail on to Mayaguana.  We need to be in a protected anchorage for Monday evenings' front which is supposed to last a couple of days.  Fortunately one of the boats, Manatee, has email connection through it's SSB radio and is signed up with Chris Parker's weather service so gets personal weather and route planning info from Chris.  Both couples (the othe boat is Dream Walker) are very nice and all are new to this part of the Bahamas.  (so we're all in the same boat -- couldn't resist that one)

Wayward Wind's electronics are not so current, so we will be out of email contact for a while.  All is good.

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