Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Exploring Staniel Cay

Lavender house with Bahamian flag design on fence
We've spent the past days exploring the roads and trails of Staniel Cay. Love seeing the brightly painted houses. Whereas houses were painted in pastels in Marsh Harbour, here they are boldly painted in solid colors. Perhaps it is because the waters are rich tints of aqua, turquoise and dark blue. And the colors are always changing as the light changes by the moving sun and passing clouds. Tonight right after the sun set, I looked at the water and it was a steely light blue/green/gray. I'm continually astounded by the shifting colors and their beauty.

This afternoon the wind finally calmed enough so that I could give Dave a haircut. He was going to get it cut in Nassau, but it would cost $30. I told him I'd cut it for $20. : ) No more Albert Einstein do.  Two days ago Dave and I explored the north side of the island and found some secluded little beaches.  One had a swing which was a magnet for Dave.  We also walked to over some rocks on a point that overlooked the Atlantic. 
Dave can't pass up the opportunity to fly through the air

Contrast in pink and aqua
Yesterday Jan, Don, Dave and I went for a long walk on the south side of the island. We stopped at Isle General Store, aka the Yellow Store. It was closed for lunch from 12:00 till 1:30...or 2:00. We sat at the table and chairs on the little covered patio out front and enjoyed the view of the water then continued our walk. Homes are spaced far apart so it feels rural. There is a range from modest to opulent with most falling in the middle. A long slough cuts quite a distance into the island's interior. Many of the homes are situated on this shallow tidal waterway and have a beautiful view of light aqua water and sandy beaches. We walked down the driveway of this pink home which also had a view of the entrance to the ocean. Absolutely stunning. 

We turned around and stopped again at the Yellow Store, which also is the local hardware store, and bought lettuce.  Then we headed back to the boat. We enjoyed our warm, sunny walk.

As it was Valentine's Day, we invited Don and Jan to have dinner aboard Wayward Wind.  Dave and I had previously cooked up some chicken breasts, so we added potatoes, carrots and tarragon and made soup.  Also had a tossed green salad with fresh whole wheat and coconut white bread from the bakery.  Don prepared the beverages and I have a new favorite drink...Salty Dog.  A lovely evening with good friends.

Tomorrow we will head to Black Point just eight miles away.  Laundry and real showers are long overdue.

"We need tourists..."  Dave says, "as shark bait."

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