Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hopetown, Great Abaco Island

Hopetown Lighthouse

We came to Hopetown yesterday.  Had to motor as the wind was against us and didn't want to wait another two days.  Also it was just ten miles, about two hours in 15 to 20 knot winds with a bit of chop.  Not a bad ride.  Hopetown is quite picturesque with pastel colored cottages and streets just wide enough for two golfcarts.  Also a lovely red and white candy striped light house with a wind up mechanism.  Hopetown was settled after the American Revolutionary War by loyalists who left the new nation.

We've just met a nice couple, Tom and Joyce, on Valentino from the SF/Palo Alto area.  They've been visiting the Abaco for 12 years.  Enjoying coffee with them at the coffee shop while I use the wifi.  Nice people with a lot of knowledge and experience with cruising the Bahamas.

Pastel home
Hopetown School

Trying to decide how best to get to Nassau.  Have spoken to several different people with lots of ideas.  Will keep you posted.

Hopetown Memorial Garden

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