Saturday, January 21, 2012


Just a quick note as we finally got an internet connection here on the boat and we don't know how long it will last.  Plus we are tired after our two days of joyful sailing - 55+ miles yesterday and 30+ miles today.  What a blast! 

As we approached the entrance to Nassau Harbour right after wrestling down the sails, a squall kicked up as we shared the channel with tour boats and ferries.  Ah, well, it was a free boat wash!  Our friends went to Atlantis, the giant resort hotel and marina and we oldsters went to the free anchorage.  The holding here is iffy as is the weather, so we decided to stay onboard till we see how we settle in.  Tomorrow we'll explore Nassau.  What a difference in scenery compared to the last couple of evenings' rural and quiet anchorages.  We have a view of Atlantis, which we could see from about 12 miles away actually.  Tour boats playing loud music cruise up and down, and one with especially loud music that Dave saw was called, Booze and Cruise.  Nice.

Mega yacht cruising by Atlantis - Double the decadence
Our friends, Don and Jan, are finishing up their projects in Florida and hope to leave when the next weather window opens.  We're going to see about getting the refrigerator serviced here and will do that if it's not too expensive.  It's running well, but we want to keep it maintained so it continues to do so. 

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