Sunday, July 17, 2011

Nothing New

Just a quick post.  Not much is new.  Still in Annapolis.  Need to have the generator looked at by a mechanic, hopefully tomorrow.  Lost everything in the freezer.  P.U!  But at least the freezer/fridge started up, briefly, so we know they work.  Linda needs a new crown, so that will take some time.  Just spending time taking care of the boat doing minor repairs and maintenance - polishing portholes, changing gaskets, replacing lights - and walking around Annapolis.  Mercifully, the heat wave broke a couple of days ago, but it's supposed to return tomorrow.  This morning we'll go to the Farmers Market. 

Enjoying the company of new friends.  Met Janice and Don, friendly Texans.  Have been sailing on a lake near their home, but are recently retired and trailered their boat here to try out living aboard  for a few months.  Together we've gone to Stan's to watch DVDs.  Saw Fair Game with Naomi Watts and Sean Penn about the Valerie Plame (CIA) outing with commentary by Valerie Plame and husband Joe Wilson.  Interesting, to say the least.  Last night we shared dinner and then a DVD.  Nice to hang out with other sailors.  We learn a lot.

Still planning on going to New England and will plan our route once we get the charts from Stan.

Here are some Annapolis scenes...

 First synogogue in Annapolis
Maryland Inn

Walking up Compromise Street 

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