Monday, August 19, 2013


My, how time flies.  We’ve been in Annapolis for almost four weeks now.  In that time, we’ve rented a condo into which we’re slowly moving, bought a “pre-owned” blue Toyota Prius, finally found a solution to clean the blue topsides so that we did not have to paint WW after all (saving about $12,000!), researched boat yards and brokers, contracted with a broker, repaired the auto-pilot (yea!), reserved our haul out time at the boat yard, fixed little things and cleaned.  We’ve also gotten together with our old buddies, Stan Mathey and Bill Brooks from the Harbor Master’s Office and made new friends:  Ann, an amazing single-hander from Ohio, and Jason, Bill’s 20-year-old son, also affectionately known as Thumper due to his size 13 footwear.  Glad to be back in our lovely old Spa Creek.


And the best news is that Dave found out on Tuesday that he is a grandpa!  Daughter Jessica and hubby Nick gave birth to Avaline Ray Kasimatis in San Rafael.  We’re so happy for them and can’t wait to go see them. 


We are spending 24 hours at the dock to polish stainless steel, scrub the decks, clean up the anchors and other chores that require the use of glorious fresh running water from a hose.  Worked till 8:00pm last night and will get back at it this morning. 


We’re wrapping up the blog so will only write when I get a chance or when the boat sells.  Yesterday, a fellow slip renter asked us if we’ll miss boating.  Dave answered, “Yes, but not all of it.”  Repairs and certain maintenance are not so fun, but we will truly miss the water, meeting new cruisers with whom we have an intrinsic bond, visiting new and unusual places, chatting with locals and learning new things, and anticipating the next journey. 


Still we are anticipating the next journey though we may be driving or flying instead of floating.  Stay well, family and friends.


  1. you have been busy! I am glad things are going well of you. Miss you down here in Grenada!

  2. Welcome back to the world of landlubbers, we are not quite there as we are still living aboard until the 1st of Sept. Been busy trying to line up employment.

    Michael and Hilda are coming to visit us from Toronto next week, should be fun.

    Feel free to visit anytime.
    Elizabeth and Stan
