Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Puerto Patillas, Ya Mas

We’ve finally had something new to post.  We got the outboard fixed and hopefully the “must-do” projects.  During the daytime, we work on the other projects that eventually need doing.  Finally getting around to cleaning the topsides of the hull.  It’s not gleaming, but it is much better that before.  Also helping Don and Janis here and there when they need extra hands.  The other day I was cleaning the dinghy and heard Don call, “Linda!” and motioned me in.  Janis called and asked for help with pouring concrete.  Dave and I schlepped buckets of concrete up the steps to the second floor (Jan had back problems or she would have been schlepping, too) where Don was pouring a post and beam.  I never knew that when I set sail that I’d learn so much about concrete as I have the past two months.  We are glad to help. 

Don, Janis and Dave pouring concrete on one of the posts downstairs
Since we've been here, several cruisers have stopped by.  Don waves them in to enjoy refreshements.  Sometimes they stay a few days and help pour concrete. : )  A 40-year-old single-hander from Israel arrived and stayed for a few days.  Dubi - which means "teddy bear" in Hebrew was a lot of fun and even cooked ribs one night.  It's been wonderful to meet so many interesting people and hear of their stories.

Ans and Harry from Holland
Two French couples and a Dutch couple and Dave and Don

Dubi from Israel


Dream Walker, one of our previous buddy boats, arrived in Patillas.  We’ve had a wonderful reunion.  On Sunday, Stan, Elizabeth, Dave and I drove to El Yunque, the United States’ only tropical rainforest.  The visitor center is beautiful with lots of ecological info highlighting the importance and fragility of the rainforest.  We took a brief hike to where a brook bubbled over boulders amid a lush green backdrop.  Idyllic. 

On the trail

Elizabeth looking for critters


Elizabeth and Dave hiking
Peak in El Yunque

We are continuing the boat maintenance during the days that we aren’t doing groceries or other domestic tasks as well as doing a bit of local exploring.  Elizabeth, Dave and I walked fifteen minutes up the highway to the little grocery stand where they sell local vegies and fruit that are much nicer than what is shipped into the big grocery stores.  On the way, we were feeling a little hot and thirsty and there appeared a little stand in front of one family’s home with a welcoming “Pina Colada” sign.  We ordered, sans alcohol.  We were the only customers so we couldn’t figure out why it took so long to make a cup.  Then we realized that Mamá was blending fresh pineapple in the back.  Our lovely drinks came, one at a time, with a sparkly straw, Puerto Rican flag, whipped cream and a cherry.  A delicious, icy beverage to refresh us on our walk.   

Enjoying fresh pina coladas
We continue to listen to the weather and hope that the lows that are forming off of the East Coast do not bring too strong winds.  We plan on leaving Patillas tomorrow with Dream Walker to Salinas where we will fill the diesel tanks.  We plan on traveling to Boquerón together.  They will decide whether to make a long passage straight to the Bahamas or whether they will go to the Dominican Republic first.  Either way, we’ll probably leave Puerto Rico together.  Wayward Wind will head northeast to Samaná, Dominican Republic where we will spend at least a week.  We’ll take time to visit our sponsored children in Santo Domingo.

Linda, Stan, Dave, Elizabeth and Don enjoying the south Puerto Rican coast and each other's company


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