Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Puerto Patillas

Buenos Dias, Puerto Patillas!
We are having a great time with Don and Janis and are happy to give a little help with their remodeling.  They are working like gang-busters – adding metal roofing, removing damaged concrete, installing rebar to pour new concrete beams, hauling concrete bricks upstairs, digging ditches and laying electrical lines, repairing cracks, sanding, and painting walls – just to name what they’ve been working on this past week!   Together we’ve taken two trips to San Juan and Fajardo to get materials for them and boat parts for us.  Don has given us some help and advice on our boat as well.  We are all happy to lend a hand and especially just happy to be together.

Mint green is muy great!
Janis and Don have bought a sweet place with three units right on the shore.  They plan on living in the lower unit and renting out the upper two units.  All have patios or balconies with incredible views of the bay, coast, mountains and sea.  I love sitting on the patio and watching the changing scenery as well as the neighboring iguanas sunbathe on the cement walls.  Two weeks ago, Janis posted on Facebook a photo of the mint green home and asked for input on exterior colors.  She’d thought of going with neutral shades.  She was soundly outvoted and told that she should embrace her new Latino environs and so will keep the mint green and even go along with Don’s suggestion of purple trim.  They’re turning Puerto Rican, I tell you!  Fantastico!

View to the left of the community fishing dock
View to the right of coast, and here, locals putting out skein nets
And to help them with their PR transformation, Ms. Retired Teacher here has been testing them with Spanish vowel flashcards to help them read and pronounce Spanish words.  Both are quick studies and deserve an A for Effort, though Don needs to work on Attitude and not roll his eyes during flashcard practice time.  (Gee, I miss writing report card comments...NOT!)
Plane to Sea, all spiffed up ready to go, anchored behind the house
Anyway, one can see by their surroundings why they fell in love with Puerto Patillas.  The bay itself is protected from most directions except from a southwest swell, which rarely happens.  The north side of the island is currently experiencing huge north swells; here, not even a roll.  There is a large reef that curves around on the southeast side that gives protection from swell when tucked up inside as we are now.  Don and Janis have their boat, Plane to Sea, anchored just outside their home also behind the reef where they can keep an eye on her.  To the east of their home, a few lots down, is the public beach and fishing dock.  Several small fishing boats are moored there.  On the weekend, Puerto Rican families flock to the beach and enjoy each other and Latin music well into the night on Saturday.  On Sunday it quiets down around 10:00pm.

Dancin' Fools of Puerto Patillas
Don and Janis have met many neighbors and other locals who have really made them feel welcomed into the community.  A favorite Sunday afternoon hang-out is Kevin’s Sports Bar a few blocks away.  This is where I wrote my last post when young guys were dancing to excruciatingly LOUD music.  We were definitely the oldsters of the crowd.  Actually when I got to the boat, I realized I could get the wi-fi signal from Kevin’s Sports Bar if the wind is blowing east and Wayward Wind lines up just right.  A little spotty, but beggars can’t be choosers!

On our first trip to San Juan, we stopped along the way and Don bought a car!  It is a used Toyota Land Cruiser.  Very cool!  After that we went to El Yunque, the only tropical rainforest of the United States!  We did a bit of hiking and took in gorgeous views from high up.  It was, indeed, raining so the flora was all the more green and lush.  What a beautiful place!

Linda and Dave in El Yunque

Dave and I were trying to rush and finish a few small boat projects before the next weather window opened to move to the Dominican Republic.  I was feeling stressed because I didn’t think I could complete them before the window closed when the next bit of north swell began.  Then it hit me, “Why are we rushing?  For whom are we in a hurry?  Chill out!”  Plus Don and Janis have been encouraging us to stay awhile and have been spoiling us with the use of their luxurious shower with a seemingly endless flow of warm water.  Dave and I talked and decided to not be in a rush, get our projects done as we can, and help Don and Jan a bit, too.  Then we’ll leave.  Funny, the stress just melted away. 

Friendly Puerto Ricans, random tree art and huge north swell in San Juan
The other night we drove east up the windy coastal road to a small restaurant with an incredible view of the coastline and enjoyed a leisurely and delicious meal.  Good views!  Good food!  Good friends!  Yes, Puerto Rico can certainly grow on you.


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