Monday, February 25, 2013

Leaving Culebra

Just a quick note before we unplug from the internet.  We will leave our anchorage near the main town of Dewey in Culebra this afternoon and motor to the entrance of this big bay to take a mooring ball for the night tucked behind a reef.  The water there is much clearer and Dave will go under the boat and clean the prop as well as some of the growth that we know is probably flourishing on the hull.  Tomorrow morning, we'll leave Culebra with our buddy boat, Alibi, and sail south around the eastern corner of Vieques and anchor in Ensenada Honda, meaning "deep cove," which is why you see this name on many islands.  We'll spend the night, do a little exploration and then move on to another bay or two for a couple of more days.  By Thursday or Friday, we'll head over to Patillas to visit Don and Janis for a few days.  Don't know if we'll have phone connection on Vieques, but maybe.  Probably no internect connection though till we get to the main land (Puerto Rico) at the end of the week. 

Hope all is well with everyone.  Much love to all.

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