Tuesday, January 29, 2013


On Monday we had a brisk sail from Red Hook, St. Thomas to Ensenada Honda, Culebra and anchored off the town of Dewey.  We were supposed to have a substantial north swell which would have hit us slightly aft of the beam making for a rolly ride.  The wind was supposed to be around 10 to 15 knots, almost not enough to have a good sail and from the NE.  What we got was 15 to 20 in the lee of St. Thomas from the NE and 10 to 15 in the passage between St. Thomas and Culebra from the ESE, which was a surprise as well as no noticeable north swell and instead a SE swell that was on our stern so just pushed us along.  Ya nevah know!  We really enjoyed this sail.

It’s nice to be coming to familiar anchorages, or more accurately, familiar harbor entrances, especially where reefs are nearby.  The well-bouyed entrance to Ensenada Honda is flanked by reefs on either side, and the bay extends for a couple of miles into the island of Culebra so makes for a calm anchorage even when it is gusty.  The dingy dock is nearby, so it’s easy to get into town.  

We’ve been to the vegetable market that has local and imported vegetables and fruit.  This morning we were walking down the road and an American guy pulled up and asked if we were going to the beach.  We weren't but, on a whim, said, “OK,” and hopped in.  From Buffalo, NY, Jimro is a retired bartender who now lives full time on Culebra.  We drove past his house, a lovely two story yellow home surrounded by plants and palms, as he drove us three miles to the north side of the island to Flamenco Beach, popular for locals and tourists.  Mr. Curmudgeon didn’t want to take off his socks and shoes, so I enjoyed a barefoot beach walk by myself.  All of the beach-goers looked so happy especially this father and son. 



1 comment:

  1. Mr. Cumudgeon? I thought he was Mr. Scrooge? :o) Love those downwind sails.
