Wednesday, June 27, 2012

California Contingency

Saba Rock Marina in Gorda Sound, Virgin Gorda, BVI
Bruce and Jan on Celtic Rover arrived in Gorda Sound a few days after we arrived.  We were really happy to see familiar faces.  We met at Saba Rock Marina to catch up over sundowners and do a quick internet check-in.  One of the special drinks here is Pusser's Rum, OJ, pineapple juice and Coco Lopez called a Painkiller, and it is, especially at $2.50 - one of the few "deals" in the Caribbean.  Bruce and Jan had been on the island to the north, Anegada, where they have visited many times before -- over the past thirty years, in fact -- and have made many friends there.  Bruce is a retired fire fighter and Jan had a floral business in Sacramento.  She made huge displays for the Capitol, including the governor, legislators and lobbyists.  She said that Gray Davis was boring and that Maria Shriver was a b**tch and would not accept white flowers of any kind.  If someone sent her white flowers, she would send them back to the shop rather than donate them to a hospital, which really (understandably) ticked Jan off.  Bruce and Jan are wonderful folks, and we're pleased to be traveling with them.

The other day we were adjusting our forestay thinking that it was maybe too tight and creating the eerie creaking noise in the mast.  Whilst working on it, we dropped a piece of hardward into the drink.  #$%^&!  Long story short, with the help of our buddy boats, we were able to come up with a simple solution using a shackle.  If it ain't one thing, it's another.  Did I mention that the foreward head stopped flushing ? Guess I'll get to take that apart again.  At least we have two heads on board. 

A couple of days ago, we heard a "Hey, Wayward Wind! You're a Freedom, too!" A couple was about to anchor their familiar-looking boat, a Freedom 40, Bella Blue, with the same white "tree trunk" of a mast with no spreaders, stays or shrouds.   Later on, they cruised by in their dinghy and we insisted that they come aboard for a beverage. So much fun to compare Freedom info.  They are also originally from California (southern) but now call North Carolina home.  They are heading south as well and asked if we minded if they join up with us and Celtic Rover.  We told them, "The more, the merrier!"

Gorda Sound
Yesterday Kim, Scott, Jan, Dave and I went for a walk on Virgin Gorda.  It was a steep uphill walk, but we had a great view from above.  We started out at Leverick Bay Marina.

Leverick Bay Marina

We passed an elementary school where the children chased chickens in the school yard.  One of the boys saw us and shouted, "How are you doing?"  So cute.  They wore uniforms and looked like, kids everywhere, they were enjoying their recess. 

Robinson O'Neal Memorial Elementary School, Virgin Gorda

Fresh water is a precious comodity here as it is quite dry when it is not the rainy season.  We passed this house with a beautiful tiled water catchment roof.

Water catchment roof
Happy hikers Dave, Jan, Kim, Scott
Dave went snorkeling with Jan, Bruce, Kim and Scott while I sat here at Saba Rock washing conch fritters down with lemonade while updating the blog.  The photos take forever to download, but I do it for you!
Tomorrow we plan to head east southeast for St. Martin, 80 plus miles away.  The forecast has predicted east or, better, slightly east northeast winds at around 13 to 15 knots with 4 to 5 foot seas.  It would be better if the wind were lighter since it is an upwind sail, and if the seas were even lower, but this is the best we've seen in two weeks, and it's not bad.  'Twill surely be a bumpy ride, but we're ready and eager to go.   Hope to check into the French side of St. Martin at Marigot Bay on Saturday morning.  We're happy to have such nice buddy boats.  The California Contingent is coming!

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