Monday, May 21, 2012

Culebra, Puerto Rico

Dream Walker in Ensenada Honda, Culebra
At 4:15am on May 17, we pulled anchor at Green Beach, Vieques, rounded the protected point of land and immediately entered rolly seas and a squall gusting to 28 knots.  We managed.  Later we found that we’d broken a pin on one of the mast slides which, when we get to a quieter anchorage, we will fix.  Fortunately we have the pieces thanks to forward-thinking Larry, the previous owner.  For now we will keep the second reef in until the repair is done.  Also one of the cords for our lazy jacks (the cord that contains the sails when lowering) almost broke so another minor repair.

Welcome to Culebra

We entered Ensenada Honda bay on Culebra near the town of Dewey.  Though not lush, it is a pretty and green island.  It sports a low-key tourism – enough so that the local businesses are thriving but not so much that it has destroyed the local flavor or jaded the local people.  As are all of the Puerto Ricans whom we’ve met, the Culebrans are friendly and helpful.  The streets are lined with boldly painted buildings and one of the churches has patches of mint green and purple paint. 

Mint green and purple church
Bold blue home adorned with praying hands and doves

Sweet little house
Yesterday I went for a long walk to the local museum, a quaint one-room building made of stone and cement.  There I learned the history of this tiny island.  For many years, the US military used the waters off of Culebra (and Vieques) as a munitions testing site.  In fact, as we motorsailed from Vieques to Culebra, according to our chart, we passed over areas of unexploded ordnance.  During the 1970s, many Culebrans protested against the testing.  One of Richard Nixon’s last acts in office was to end this practice.

Culebra Museum
On the way back from the museum, I saw what I at first thought was a snake wiggling in front of me.  Tured out to be a bright green, 3-foot iguana.  I tried to photograph it, but it was too quick.

US Post Office, Culebra - Meeting all your mail and laundry needs

Need to go to the post office today.  I think this is my favorite U.S. post office building in the world!

While we’re enjoying the quaint town and surrounding area, we’re eager to get going again though we must wait for the next weather window.   Our next port will be Red Hook, St. Thomas, USVI.

La Budita - Little Buddha

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