Saturday, April 7, 2012



Early in the morning the day before yesterday, we got a call on the VHF, “Wayward Wind, Wayward Wind, Plane to Sea.”  Don and Janis were calling.  They entered the D.R. just east of the Haitian border and, given their friendly Texan ways, had befriended a D.R. couple who were giving them a tour of the island by truck.  They told us to look up the hillside to a green building from where they could see our boat.  We saw them waving from the little lookout tower.  So exciting to hear from them and see them, if at a long distance.  They would bring their boat to Luperón the next day.

Dave and I busied ourselves with repairing the sail.  One piece of webbing had torn completely and another was about to tear.  Krina had given me some webbing and thread and said, “I think you can do it yourself.”  So in the morning calm, we sewed the new webbing in.  Very satisfying.

Yesterday morning, Plane to Sea arrived and anchored nearby.  We took them into town and at lunch they told us of their adventures.  They arrived in the D.R. four days before us and have had a good time seeing the land and visiting some of the towns.  We had the lunch especial of Creole Chicken.  It was tasty. 

As I’d heard from another cruiser about a good dentist, I wanted to get my teeth cleaned and a crown checked out that was giving me some problems.  Janis wanted to do the same.  We got in with Doctora Karla at 4:00 that afternoon.  There is a small waiting room with many waiting.  Behind the locked door is the exam/office/supply combo room.  While you are in the chair, people knock on the door and come in and out.  I got used to it.  The cleaning seemed pretty normal.  For me, the crown looked OK but I needed some fillings, which she completed without novicane though she offered it if I wanted.  Didn’t need it.  The total bill – cleaning, x-ray, fillings – was $150. 

The town is getting ready for the Easter holiday festivities.  Businesses will be closed so we’ll take care of assorted tasks today.  We are really enjoying the D.R.

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