Friday, August 26, 2011

Cone of Uncertainty

This entire journey has been quite an education.  I just learned that we are in the "Cone of Uncertainty" as regards Hurricane Irene.  The link below shows this morning's NOAA predicted track.  At this point, it looks like the eye will pass east of us, but it could veer west, toward us, or east, away from us.

Jeff, who has experienced four hurricanes - at sea and on shore - suggested we hook onto a nearby mooring ball, which we've done.  These moorings are called Helix and are screwed into the earth and are supposed to be the best.  We are situated far up Spa Creek, off a cove just 75 feet from Truxton Park among five other boats on mooring balls including Jan and Don who cut their East Chesapeake Bay trip short to return to Spa Creek.  Stan and Jeff have their boats moored farther down the creek.  We are all in a well-protected spot and feel secure with our moorings.  The one thing to worry about is other boats who may not be diligent about anchoring and could drag anchor.  Boats breaking loose and ramming other boats are what normally causes problems in storm situations.  Yesterday a big power boat anchored upstream of us in front of the sailboat that is in front of us.  We will monitor their anchoring.

I came into town early today to do laundry and other errands and will return to WW soon.  We are keeping up with the latest info on the storm and making decisions accordingly.  We're all doing the best we can to prepare and stay safe.  We don't have an internet connection where we are moored now so may not post another blog entry until after the storm passes. 

Now, everyone on the West Coast take a big breath, and when I count to three, blow that irascible Irene offshore to the east.  1..2...3...!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you got through the storm ok! Looking forward to your next post!
