Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Early Morning Manatee

She/He was beautiful.  My brother-in-law says they're like big puppy-dogs.  True.  The word "lollygagging" comes to mind.  "Just swimmin' an' rollin' and enjoyin' the feel of fresh water in my mouth and on my back.  Life is gooood." 

As I was washing the sunnyside-up dollops of white and gray poops of heron off the dock, a gray form swam right up to the water trickling over the edge just a few feet from me.  Then a nose popped up and started slurping down the stream of water.  I called to Dave to come quickly as I thought the manatee would be startled and swim away.  But no, it was completely at ease with us there.  I ran to get the camera and took these videos and some snapshots.  Hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoyed our visitor.  Mother nature rocks!

Plan of departure is looking to be at the end of next week.  Conan, our crew member, says snow is predicted tomorrow in Calgary and spring is slow in coming.  We wrote that we had a beautiful day in the high seventies.  In fact, it was one of those perfect spring days you dream of, but no lolling about in the sun for us.  We're working like crazy to get everything ready.  We've got to put away the food and find a place for the things we've bought.  Everything has to have its place stowed away so as not to go tumbling while underway.  I feel like we're getting ready for a move.  Well, I guess we are - only the "house" is moving with us! 

On that note.  It's funny because when we're on deck while sailing, I'll think of something that I need, such as lip balm.  My first thought will be, "Darn, I forgot the lip balm."  Then I'll remember that everything I own is below deck and I simply have to go down and get it.  It's not like when you're on a hike ten miles from home.  Silly.

Dave is trying out the massive reel that he got on eBay and checking out the Florida coast charts that arrived today.  We bought a cruising guide for that area which tells about the harbors and good places to anchor and other useful info.  I also picked up my second pair of bifocal(!) sunglasses.  I love them!  I'm old!  Speaking of old, we recently discovered that our SSB radio, though it works well, is too old to take a modem, so no email.  However, we decided to utilize the old satellite phone through which we should be able to send and receive email.  I've also ordered a Wirie antenna to pick up wi-fi when we're near ports.  My brain aches from all of the new information that I'm learning.  It's as though the waterfall of new infomation is filling up the old brain bucket faster than it can take.  As I said, I'm old.

Tomorrow is supposed to be nice again, so we're going to try for a sail and imagine that we're way offshore and try out all of the systems.  Hope everything works!

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