Thursday, March 3, 2011

Full Sail

Sailed yesterday from 11:00 till 5:00 around the Cumberland Sound.  Made a few mistakes and corrected them.  It's been said that you learn more from your mistakes than your successes.  If true, we are learning plenty.  Got the jib (small forward sail) up for the first time so were under full sail.  Dave was beaming as he said he noticed a big difference having both sails up because the boat was balanced.  The difference for me was subtle, but she did feel more solid and smooth - Buick compared to Jeep.  A bit chilly - white caps with 15 knot winds, according to NOAA - but sunny.  It was perfect for me because I practiced coming about (turning and adjusting sails) - now, how close can I get to that buoy before I have to turn the wheel...  Saw a couple of wild horses on Cumberland Island, a nature preserve.  Dave's docking is getting better and yesterday's was perfect.  We're learning to not fight the current...and not just in docking. 

1 comment:

  1. Waiting eagerly for your next post!!! Hope you are doing well!
