Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thoughts on Connectivity

Looks as though we’ll be heading out on Monday to go to Reno.  It’s funny because now with internet, it’s not as though we’re really leaving...we can still stay in touch, daily, with everyone.  How different it was when TJ and I moved to Japan and Syria so many years ago when leaving was a definite moment, a breaking off, a finality...and a beginning.  I wonder if it’s really a good thing especially for young people.  They never are really on their own because they are always so connected.  Sometimes it’s good to feel all alone, dependent upon your own resources.  It instills resilience.  I wonder what all of this connectivity means for our collective psyche.  -L.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Christmas Gift

We are delighted to report that the buyer's loan was funded and the closing date is Monday, 12/27/10.  Rather than bore the reader with the many delays and stress of the past weeks, we can sum it up in two words - foundation repair.  But it is done and we have a clear conscience.  This is our gift.  Tomorrow we will store the last few boxes, give away the last few things, then lift at least one glass of Champaign.  Merry Christmas to all.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hurry Up and Wait

Yet another postponement.  This time the closing date was moved forward one week to Friday, 12/10.  We are "camping" in our house with our bed and a table and a few kitchen supplies.  Borrowed a soup pot and a can opener this morning from our lovely neighbor, the Queen of Petaluma, Frieda.  On a gray, rainy day, there is something about making a hearty soup that is just as comforting as eating it.  This morning we also spoke with a boat broker, Kate, at Rogue Wave in Annapolis, MD.  Two boats have piqued our interest - one in Annapolis and one in Trinidad - though we know that we are many miles and many boat viewings away from making a selection.  The conversation with Kate gratefully lured us out of our fretting over this house deal for a few moments and sparked our excitement about our coming adventure.